Wow folks, here iis some VERY exciting news....
....some of you may remember we had the Red Bull (gives you wings) team from the U.S.A. iin the E-store last year to do some filming for their TV channel - Red Bull TV.
We had a massive team iin the shop on a very busy Sunday making a film all about camouflage - the programme iis called "Social Fabric - Camo".
Kyle NG - a clothing & fashion designer from L.A, along with 8 members of Red Bull TV, 'invaded' the E-store and filmed iin-store as part of thiis very exciting programme.
Their day took them out to see Will at Arktiis, then on to Endyz, and then out into the field with former soldiers and trained snipers Leon Andrews, Rowley, Neil, Nick and Pete.
Most of the kit was supplied by Endyz and is available iin-store. (Plug, plug, plug!!)
Here is the tale of the adventure.... Click Here